Sonic Team talk Sonic 30th Anniversary plans


Both Sonic Studio creative officer Takashi Iizuka and creative director Kazuyuki Hoshino have chatted to Famitsu about this year’s 30th anniversary of the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog. We know from the recent stream which was broadcast online that Sonic Colors Ultimate is coming to the Nintendo Switch in September. Next year we will get 2D Sonic collection which is updated with full screen HD visuals and a brand new Sonic game from Sonic Team titled Sonic Rangers. Here’s Mr. Iizuka and Mr. Hoshino thoughts about the celebration and their appreciation of Sonic fans.

Famitsu: Lastly, what can we expect for the 30th Anniversary?

Iizuka: Looking back on the previous 30 years, I believe it has been a period in which have allowed people to meet Sonic through lots of different ways, from pixel art to 3D CG, the coexistence of Modern and Classic Sonic, the return of pixel art and other distinct genres into these action games. For the 10th and 20th anniversaries, we celebrated for the fans of the series, but for the 30th anniversary, I’d like to do something that would create and bring the biggest possible number of fans.

Hoshino: Meanwhile in Japan, we’re working with the head office of the Sonic Studio in the United States, and our main objective is to create a bigger number of fans in Japan, one that could rival the fans in foreign countries. Also, we’re working closely with the movie “Sonic the Hedgehog 2”, please look forward to it.


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