Month: May 2021

“What games should I get for my PlayStation 5?” This is the question we’ve been asked the most since Sony’s new generation of gaming arrived last November. People want to see what games are the best showpieces of PlayStation 5’s power, and also which ones take their beloved medium to new heights. Although the PlayStation
Last week, we asked you to revisit the beginning of Aloy’s journey in Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition. While tuning Aloy’s Focus and fighting off feral machines, you shared your best moments using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights:  AscensionDawn shares a warm portrait of Aloy. SP_Al3xis01 found a well shaped place to take
Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa has admitted that the global shortage of semiconductor materials is having an effect on Switch production. The shortage is presumably due to the pandemic and is affecting numerous companies such as Apple and Microsoft, not just Nintendo. Mr. Furukawa assured investors and analysts that the Kyoto-based company is doing all it can to
While it may seem obvious that the Borderlands franchise isn’t going away, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford has now explicitly confirmed that more Borderlands is coming, saying “We’re working on the big one.” Shutting down one rumor just to create another; While Pitchford stops short of saying a title, it could be inferred from the context